About Neck Lifts
With time and aging, a patient's skin around their neck and under their chin can become wrinkled or loose. Our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert Chiu, can improve the appearance and contour of a patient's neck by performing a neck lift. A neck lift involves lifting sagging tissue and removing and repositioning excess skin, resulting in a tighter, more youthful appearance. Traditionally, a neck lift removes excess skin, but a neck lift can also be performed in conjunction with neck liposuction to remove any excess fat, or with a facelift if a patient has significant facial aging changes and jowl formation that may also be causing cosmetic issues. A full treatment plan can be discussed and determined by scheduling a consult at our Today's Cosmetic Surgery office in Pittsburgh, PA.
Ideal Candidates
The best candidates for neck lift surgery:
- Are ages 40–60
- Have loose skin in the neck area caused by weight loss, aging, or genetics
- Have lines and wrinkles in the neck area
- Have minimal facial aging changes/jowls
- Desire a sleeker and slimmer profile
- Desire a long-term solution
- Desire a natural look
Neck Lift Reviews
What to Expect
Neck lift surgery is outpatient procedure and performed at an accredited surgical facility. The patient may select choice of anesthesia (general, IV sedation, or local anesthesia) for the procedure. Dr. Chiu will start off by making an incision in front of and/or behind the patient’s ears and/or under the chin. When there’s abundant fat in the submental region, liposuction surgery is employed to remove this excess fat. The underlying neck muscles will then be pulled tight. Then, the excess skin will be trimmed, and the remaining skin will be lifted and redraped for a tighter, smoother appearance. Stitches, or sutures, are placed deep in the neck wall. Dr. Chiu may also place a drain in the surgical site. The surgery typically lasts a few hours.
Anticipated Results
While it’s normal to experience pain and discomfort after a neck lift procedure, Dr. Chiu's is well known for delivering the most natural appearing surgical results with minimal recovery. He is able to minimize any pain and discomfort for his patients, although you should have the expectation of some swelling and bruising after surgery. It’s also common for patients to have a sensation of tightness and pulling, which is a result of the neck adjusting into the new position. Typically, patients are able to return to work in 7-10 days and resume normal activity in about 2 weeks. After a few months, a patient should be able to see the full effects of the surgery with a tighter, smoother, more contoured neck. Dr. Chiu's patients experience very minimal scarring since the incisions are placed and designed to be well hidden.

Transform Your Profile
That sleek, beautiful neck that you desire can be yours easier than you might have thought possible thanks to a neck lift surgery. The surgery is successful at targeting extraneous skin, fat, lines, and wrinkles in the neck area. To learn more, please call our Pittsburgh, PA office to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon, Dr. Chiu.