About Facelifts
Our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert Chiu, at Today's Cosmetic Surgery is highly skilled and experienced in the art of facelifts, offering different types and levels of facelifts to suit the individual needs of his Pittsburgh, PA patients. He is able to perform a full facelift, which lifts the sagging tissues of the lower face, midface, neck and submental areas, as well as less extensive facelifts including lower facelift, mid-facelifts (cheek lifts), neck lifts, and mini facelifts. In-depth consultation with Dr. Chiu will help determine the needs of each patient, and the appropriate procedure. Each facelift procedure has the goal of providing the patient with a tighter, more youthful, but naturally contoured face, with fewer signs of aging like wrinkled, drooping, or excess skin. A facelift procedure can greatly improve the overall cosmetic appearance of a person, and Dr. Chiu specializes in providing minimal downtime and scarring, leaving his patients with natural-looking results.
Ideal Candidates
The best candidates for facelift surgery:
- Have aging changes such as jowls and sagging tissue and lines/wrinkles in the face.
- Have noticeable sagging or loose skin around their neck areas
- Have realistic expectations
- Desire a long-term, natural-looking solution
What to Expect
After a consultation and the facelift procedure for the patient is decided on by both Dr. Chiu and his patient, a facelift surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure at an accredited hospital or surgical facility. Dr. Chiu will also discuss choice of anesthesia options: general anesthesia, IV sedation, or local anesthesia. Dr. Chiu is very careful and particular with incision design and placement, and he takes extra care with the incisions during the surgery so they heal rapidly and leave unnoticeable, if not invisible, scars. The underlying tissue and muscles are lifted and tightened to create natural appearing, long-term results. The skin is repositioned and re-draped for a smooth, natural appearance, so as to not create any obvious signs of surgery. In order to thoroughly address these aging changes and sagging in the most meticulous and natural way, facelift surgery typically takes around 3-5 hours to complete.
Anticipated Results
While it’s normal to experience pain and discomfort after a facelift procedure, Dr. Chiu's specialized approach to facelift surgery is unique in many ways, and he is well known for delivering the most natural appearing surgical results with minimal recovery. He is able to minimize any pain and discomfort for his patients, and he also minimizes swelling and bruising, although you should have the expectation of having some swelling and bruising after surgery. After a facelift, a dressing will be placed over the surgical site and it will be replaced during the initial follow-up visit. After about 2 weeks, most patients can resume normal activities, and are already able to notice the dramatic and natural results of the surgery. While facelifts provide long-term rejuvenation and results, the face and neck will continue to naturally age. However, a patient will continue to look about 10 years younger as compared to if he or she had never had the surgery.

Look Younger Naturally
You can turn back the hands of time successfully with a facelift surgery. Our facelift surgery can address all the tell-tale signs of aging, such as lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin. Not only will you look years younger, but you’ll also feel better about yourself. Give our Pittsburgh, PA office a call today to inquire about a facelift.